Friday, February 29, 2008


I just finished my last EVER cheerleading practice. It feels weird, knowing that I'll never have another one. It almost doesn't seem real. I'm such a different person know from when I started, and cheer was a constant. Now I know that I need no constant except my existence, but it still feels weird. It used to be my escape. Now I'm escaping from it. Trippy.

14) I love to take pictures. I'm taking photo this year at school. I have my own camera, albeit a shitty one, and I never go anywhere without it. I want to be a journalist in foreign countries, reporting on poverty and wars and riots, telling people here about them. Making them care, even for just a few minutes. Making them think. I'll take my own photos, too.

Since I have to be up at 6 tomorrow, (6!! I know. On a Saturday!!! I know. Nationals!! I know.) I will be sleeping now. Sweet dreams.


hola, chicos y chicas. Como estas?? Okay, so I'm not fluent in Spanish. In fact, I barely speak it. But I will. I've only been taking the class for three weeks, so cut me some slack, guys. Look at the paragraph I can write!!

Buenas noches!! Como esta usted?? Me llamo Gabrielle. Soy de Vancouver, y me vivo en una casa. Me gusta leer y escribir. Tambien, me gusta bailar mucho. Y tu? Hasta luego, Gabrielle

Isn't that cool?

So, about me.

1) I am not your typical high-school whore with her skirt up to here. No. Not quite.
2) I am a cynic, as opposed to your typical teenage romantic. I have a boyfriend, but I have no use for love. Anyone who thinks they're in love is kidding themselves.
3) On a lighter note, I love to write. I write songs, novels, short stories, poems, and lots of other stuff too. I might post some of my work on here, I'm not sure.
4) I like to read too. And I will read anything; poetry, plays, sci-fi (a little), fantasy, and lots of socially relevant girly books, if that makes any sense. Like Sarah Dessen. I love Sarah Dessen. Her books make me so happy. Hate Spinnerbait! If you got that, laugh.
5) I wear jeans. That is an important fact about me. If you ever see me wearing something else, I want you to drop dead, okay?? Unless, of course, it's the first Friday of May, which is National No Pants Day here in Canada, and I wear respectable boxers for that.
6) I named this blog because of one of my friends, Nassim. She always calls me butterfly, neither of us know why. There was no inside joke that started it, in case you were wondering. Which you probably weren't.
7) I am severely ADD. Like, I'll be talking about abortions, and then I'll start talking about Fruit Loops. Seriously, that exact thing happened a while ago. Actually, it's not true ADD, it just looks and smells like it. Really, I just make thought connections really fast, so that it sounds like I just randomly switched topics, but really I went through a whole logical thought process to reach my current point.
8) I am the creator of some of the most awkward moments in the universe. I'm not sure if this is the fault of genetics or my enviroments, but crickets always chirp around me. You know, how crickets only chirp during awkward silences?? Yeah, thats me. The cricket queen. Maybe I should make a crown.
9) I like the TV show Friends. I don't want to like it, yet somehow I can't fight the magnetic draw of it's stupidity. It's really embarrassing, actually. Speaking of embarrassing, there was this kid in
my Spanish class the other day who forgot his lines, and then tried to say he was embarrassed in Spanish and accidentally said he was pregnant. Only me, the teacher, and this guy who sits in front of me and is fluent laughed, because we were the only ones who got it, until we explained. Wow, off topic. See what I mean about the thought processes??
10) I'm just about to leave for my last ever cheerleading practice. Please don't judge me on the basis that I'm a cheerleader. It's actually really cool. I'm just getting a bit tired of it, and this is the last practice of the season, because Nationals are this weekend, and then I'm not trying out for next season. Here in Canada, high school cheerleading isn't as ridiculous as it is in EE UU.
(EE UU means the USA, in case you didn't realize. It stands for Estados Unitos, or the United States. Spanish is working it's way into my brain.) We stunt, which is holding people in the air, or throwing them. Our school's cheerleading teams condition more than our basketball team, and our basketball teams are some of the best in the province of British Columbia. So.
11) Sometimes, okay, all the time, I'm a little weird. Sometimes I'll go on about something, and people will be like, "why are you asking what kind of muffins my cat eats??" So if you run into anything you don't understand, you're probably not the only one. Or maybe you're just stupid, I don't know.
12) I'm big into music, all kinds. My favorite bands of the minute are Jimmy Eat World, Puddle of Mudd and Lifehouse. I spent most of my school day today listening to the Beatles, because I love them. My best friend always has a boy that she wants, and they're usually attainable. Easily. And so of course they have to have codenames, because we're so mature. And the current one I named. And guess what I named him?
Desmond. If you can tell me her name to go with his, I'll give you a cookie.
Mmmmm. Cookies.
13) I am a caffeine addict. Well, not actually an addict. (anymore) (no really, i used to be) But I seriously have issues with staying awake without coffee or tea in my system. I need caffeine in bloodstream until about 11 am. Wow, I really like the way numbers come out in this font. 1234567890 Look, they're all different sizes!!! oh, look!!@#$%^&*()_+ those look different too!!

Okay, so maybe you can tell I'm overtired. So, I'm going to log off in a minute. But I'll write more tommorrow. I'll write lots, every day, and whenever I can't think of anything to write, I'll add more things to the random things about me list. Which is that weird, untitled thing you just read. Hopefully anyone who reads this blog likes it. If anyone reads it. If. If is good. (if you got that, laugh. You're not the only one who likes Disney movies) So, hasta manana, amigos!! (that means 'see you tommorrow, group of friends that includes at least one boy)